
5 Reasons Why Internet Leads Makes Sense for Selling Medicare Supplement Insurance

Fran Majidi April 13, 2023
Selling Medicare Supplement Insurance

You may be wondering how to succeed during Open Enrollment, which begins October 15th and ends December 7. With fewer social events and activities, where you’d normally meet many seniors, you’re looking to alternative methods of making the most of Open Enrollment this year. You’re also looking to non-senior Medicare recipients, many of whom are also eligible for Medicare Supplements and are a relatively untapped market. The great news is that Internet leads work when it comes to connecting with these people and selling lots of Medicare Supplements! And we want to share with you the top 5 reasons why data leads work.

1. An average of 10,000 Americans become eligible for Medicare each day! It’s important to remember first that 65 is not that old. Most people who are buying Medicare Supplements were still working not too long ago. Yes, in the age of technology. In fact, many of them are active on the Internet. They also see all the ads on television about Medicare Supplements so they do their due diligence by going online and researching what they are. That’s how they come upon SmartFinancial, where we run informative articles about how Medigap complements Medicare coverage and how prescription drug costs can add up. We also run digital advertisements that get seniors to fill out our forms with all the pertinent information you, the agent, need to deliver a quote. In addition to seniors, we also target the disabled and people with end-stage diseases, many of whom are on Medicare and are eligible to buy Medicare Supplements. However, some of the non-senior Medicare recipients are not eligible to buy Medigap policies in some states, but we filter accordingly, depending on the locations you operate in.

2. With much older Medicare recipients, there’s usually a caretaker that makes healthcare decisions for their loved one(s). They are often the people who come upon a SmartFinancial campaign and fill out our lead form. They are actively shopping for solutions for the Medicare recipient’s health care needs, and they could easily become your client. This demographic tends to be Gen-Xers, who are very active on the Internet. They are also very cost conscious so they research heavily and trust SmartFinancial.

3. Medicare Supplements have a higher closing rate than Medicare Advantage plans . They are relatively easy to sell. If you know your chances of closing are higher than average, why not give leads a try? If you’re having a rough time meeting new prospects you have little to lose and a lot to gain. When you consider buying leads, you’ll want to buy quality over quantity because the volume is there (remember: 10,000 Americans a day!). But to make your investment in leads worthwhile, you’ll want to buy enough to see a significant profit. With an Account Manager, you can see what options you have with considering your budget.

4. Returns are easy on internet leads, at least with SmartFinancial. Once in a while, you’re bound to get one or two leads that don’t meet your filter requirements, but there’s no other lead vendor that responds as quickly or as fairly as SmartFinancial. You’ll be promptly credited back a bad lead with a fresh lead. Your Account Managers are not only your advisors, but they are your allies. You should never hesitate to speak with your Account Manager if you’re having trouble for any reason or if you get a bad lead. It’s in their best interest that you succeed, or else, they’ll lose your business. We bet they’ve got a solution to make your experience with data leads more rewarding.

5. The folks filling out SmartFinancial forms are investing their time in finding the right Medicare Supplement plan to lower their monthly out-of-pocket costs. They are closer to buying a policy than ever. They’ve entered personal information into SmartFinancial’s app, which has then turned over valuable information with you. What you do with that information and how quickly you respond are up to you. The best we can do is only share the information with three other agents, which is better than what other vendors offer. And we never share the lead with agents who work with the same carrier as you. If you want exclusive leads, they will cost more, but they’ll be much easier to close. But even those only close based on what you’re offering and if it fits their needs and budget. It’s up to you to convince the prospect that it will be economically advantageous to buy the supplements and how the premium will pay for itself in savings. You must also try to be the first point of contact if you’re buying shared leads. Statistically, most leads will buy from the first agent they speak with, even if they do not buy that very day.

What Can I Do to Ensure Success with Medicare Leads?

Here’s some more information on how to sell more Medicare policies.

Here are 12 things you need to know to sell medicare supplement insurance.